Mirrorles Camera

               Whether you're looking for your first camera, itching for an upgrade or simply curious, you'll find answers to your burning questions here: What is a mirrorless system camera? Why are they called mirrorless systems? What are the pros and cons of mirrorless system cameras? Is a mirrorless camera for me? Read on to find out.
mirrorless camera
mirrorless camera

What is a Mirrorless System Camera?

         Let's start with the basics. In a nutshell, mirrorless system cameras are cameras which are in between DSLR and digital compact cameras.

       Compared to compact cameras, they perform better, are more versatile and larger. Compared with DSLR cameras, they're smaller and usually less versatile but more user-friendly. Image quality is better than what you'd get from a compact camera, and can be close to or even equal to what you'd get from an entry-level DSLR camera. Technically, what separates mirrorless system cameras from digital compact cameras are their larger sensor sizes and the ability to swap lenses. What separates mirrorless system cameras from DSLR cameras is the exclusion of a mirror-box and in some cases, smaller sensor sizes. More on that below.

lumix gx1

Why Are They Called 'Mirrorless System Cameras'?

           Actually, there are a myriad of names for mirrorless system cameras, and nobody has really settled yet on a good one.
           In 2008, when the first mirrorless camera was released, Panasonic and Olympus called them mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras (what a mouthful!). You can imagine that didn't really take off. Other names have also been proposed like Electronic Viewfinder with Interchangeable Lens (EVIL) cameras. We're just going to go with the easy 'mirrorless system cameras'.
The reason why they're called 'mirrorless' is because these cameras remove the mirror found in traditional DSLR cameras. Because of that they're able to reduce the camera's size while keeping a fairly large image sensor. They're called 'system' cameras because of their ability to swap lenses, giving you access to a wider eco-system of accessories.
           To further the confusion, there's no one definitive mirrorless system, rather there are many mirrorless systems in the market today, seven at last count, with system names like Micro Four Thirds, NEX and NX. We'll go into more detail on the different systems later.

dslr and mirrorless
Traditional DSLR cameras have a mirror box component, which is absent from mirrorless system cameras, hence the name 'mirrorless' and their smaller sizes (illustration not to scale).

Should you get a mirrorless system camera? That depends on your goals and preferences for owning a digital camera.

Get a digital compact camera if you just want a simple to use, easy to carry and affordable camera for common everyday shots.

Get a mirrorless system camera if you want better image quality than what you can get with digital compact cameras and you don't mind a slightly chunky camera, but not one as chunky as a DSLR camera. You also don't mind paying more than you would for a compact camera, and you don't want a camera as complicated as a DSLR camera can be. A mirrorless camera is also a good companion camera for the DSLR owner who wants an easier to carry camera with manual controls.

Get a DSLR camera if you want great image quality and don't mind carrying a larger and heavier camera. You also don't mind the learning curve you'll need to go through in order to make full use of the camera (although you can always leave it on 'Auto') and paying more for a good camera. If you want to go deep into the craft of photography and shoot more than everyday shots like wildlife, sports, off-camera flash, long-exposures and more, then a DSLR camera is the best option.


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